DJ Basin Colorado
Décollement Consulting has been retained to provide operations geology and management leadership for Ranchers Exploration Partners, LLC. Ranchers plans to drill and complete 500 wells in the D-J Basin over the next three years. Decollement Consulting provided two man Mud Logging and Geologic Consulting on the first two wells in that program. The wells will look at Sussex thru Lyons Formations. The early wells in the program will be vertical or S-turn multi pad wells. Horizontal Niobrara “B” wells will be scheduled later on in the drilling program.
The DJ Basin (Denver-Julsburg Basin) is famous for the Niobrara Shale play. This Niobrara Play is located in Northwest Nebraska, Southwest Kansas, Northeast Colorado and Southeast Wyoming. Oil and Natural gas can be found from 3,000 to 14,000 feet. The DJ Basin consists of a large asymmetric syncline of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary lithology. This formation trends north to south along the east